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Business Case


Table of Contents

  • Investment Summary Information
  • Investment Detail
  • Investment and Contracts
  • Historic CIO Rating
  • Investment Spending
  • Projects and Activities Detail
Section A: Investment Summary Information
Investment Name
Agency & Related Services
Unique Investment Identifier

Investment Description

Agency & Related Services represent services provided to other Federal agencies, including records management, classification reviews, FOIA improvements and publications such as the Federal Register.
Agency National Archives and Records Administration
Point of Contact Sheena Burrell - CIO email Not Provided
Investment Type Major IT Investments
Bureau National Archives and Records Administration
Mission Support Not Applicable
Shared Service Category Not Applicable
Shared Service Identifier Not Applicable
TMF Initiatives
  • High Value Asset (HVA) Mission Essential Systems
FY 2024 IT Spending $43.9 M
Current CIO Rating 2
Data As Of: 07/17/2024

Total Projects


Cost Variance

  • 9Low
  • 1Medium
  • 0High

Schedule Variance

  • 6Low
  • 2Medium
  • 2High

Cost Variance

  • Low: Projects that have <10% Cost Variance
  • Medium: Projects that have ≥10% and <30% Cost Variance
  • High: Projects that have ≥30% Cost Variance
Cost Variance: ((Planned Total Costs - Projected or Actual Total Costs) / Planned Total Cost) x 100

Schedule Variance

  • Low: Projects that have <10% Schedule Variance
  • Medium: Projects that have ≥10% and <30% Schedule Variance
  • High: Projects that have ≥30% Schedule Variance
Schedule Variance: ((Planned Completion Date - Projected or Actual Completion Date) / Project Duration) x 100

Cost and Schedule Variance color coding is based on absolute values. For example, a +40% variance and a -40% variance are both High/Red.
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Date Investment First Submitted
Date of Last Investment Detail Update
Section B: Investment Detail
  1. Briefly describe the investment's return on investment, including benefits internal and external to the government and outcomes achieved or planned.
    Agency and Related Services represent information technology services provided to other Federal agencies, including records management, classification reviews, FOIA improvements and publications such as the Federal Register. Federal agency customers are able to access online transaction forms allowing them to make requests for records or records data, including personnel records requests. NARA's end-to-end approach for ingest, creation of metadata, storage, preservation, and presentation of Agency electronic records will achieve many benefits for both NARA and the American public. A more robust and flexible, cloud-based infrastructure, with optimized workflows and standardized metadata rules will help NARA reduce ingest and description backlogs and facilitate the steps necessary to make these records available to the public. An updated architecture and modular design will ensure greater scalability and reduce or stabilize costs. Use of cloud environments will provide a more robust platform, ensuring constant availability and on-demand scaling of processing and storage capacities. Streamlined practices will also make our partnerships with businesses, such as Footnote and, more fruitful and ensure consistency of data and metadata regardless of its final repository.
Section C: Investment and Contracts
Section D: Historic CIO Rating
CIO Rating Date Comments
2 Mar 31, 2024 NextGen CMRS and ARCIS projects are behind schedule. NextGen CMRS encountered requirements issues and additional development sprints for minimum viable product. NextGen ARCIS completed the Discovery Phase and began Development this quarter, but has encountered delays. The ERA 2.0 Program has embarked on multiple projects in the past year after selecting a new vendor for Agile development services but is working to ensure and improve consistency in performance across teams.
3 Nov 30, 2023 NextGen CMRS has four remaining development sprints and is projected to go-live at the beginning of CY 2024. NextGen ARCIS is in the beginning phase of a 20-month project. The IPT meets weekly on these projects, which support the NISP Modernization efforts. The ERA 2.0 Program rolled out the scheduling and transfer components to all Federal Agencies and is now addressing migration errors and required infrastructure upgrades. In addition, foundational work for integrating with the NextGen Description & Authority Service (DAS) and providing Access Review & Redaction capabilities for ERA 2.0 has begun. This required onboarding and orienting additional vendor Agile teams. The team is also adopting a new Agile release process allowing us to release new code monthly instead of the current quarterly cadence.
3 Sep 30, 2022 To address the backlog of 500,000 requests, plans are being made to increase process and system efficiencies using technology solutions such as using Robotic Processing Automation (RPA). A significant amount of pre-work requirements have occurred for the upcoming large projects to prepare for implementation. The team meets regularly to assess contractor and project performance and meets with contractor leadership to raise potential risks and issues for resolution. Oracle now offers a limited support option called Market Driven Support (MDS) which NARA will purchase to extend support to the Oracle/Siebel platform through December 31, 2023. For a complex Agile data migration project that we began recently, preliminary data mapping and user story-generation activities were created internally to better define the scope and initial backlog for the project before bringing in our implementation vendor. Requirements for CMRS Next Gen have been developed and provided. High-level ARCIS Next Gen requirements are near complete.
3 Jun 30, 2022 To address the backlog of 500,000 requests, plans are being made to increase process and system efficiencies using technology solutions such as using Robotic Processing Automation (RPA). A significant amount of pre-work requirements have occurred for the upcoming large projects to prepare for implementation. The team meets regularly to assess contractor and project performance and meets with contractor leadership to raise potential risks and issues for resolution. Oracle now offers a limited support option called Market Driven Support (MDS) which NARA will purchase to extend support to the Oracle/Siebel platform through December 31, 2023. For a complex Agile data migration project that we began recently, preliminary data mapping and user story-generation activities were created internally to better define the scope and initial backlog for the project before bringing in our implementation vendor. Requirements for CMRS Next Gen have been developed and provided. High-level ARCIS Next Gen requirements are near complete.
2 Jan 31, 2022 The continued challenges faced by COVID-19 pandemic closures to key NARA facilities have resulted in the unprecedented backlog of 500,000 requests. NARA is preparing to reopen facilities and the return of staff and employees, as local conditions permit. The reopening of facilities will assist in starting the recovery process to work down the existing backlog of requests. The ARCIS business stakeholders have embarked on developing requirements for the modernization of the ARCIS system. The new contractor for the O&M support of the ARCIS and CMRS systems has transitioned well and is successfully providing O&M support. However, the legacy ARCIS and CMRS platform of Oracle/Siebel will reach its end of life in July 2022 and will no longer receive patches and support from the vendor. The ERA program conducted a risk review session on December 16, 2021, and is actively working to mitigate the risks identified and discussed. The team meets regularly to assess contractor and project performance and meets with contractor leadership to raise potential risks and issues for resolution. For a complex Agile data migration project that we began recently, preliminary data mapping and user story-generation activities were created internally to better define the scope and initial backlog for the project before bringing in our implementation vendor.
3 Jul 30, 2021 NARA continues to work through many challenges arising from the closures of key facilities due to COVID-19. NARA is preparing for the reopening of facilities and the return of staff and employees. Code output from the Agile Development & Integration Services (ADIS) team vendor has been solid, but more output is expected via process improvement. NARA issued a Contract Discrepancy Report to ensure critical areas of concern are addressed and instituted new processes for monitoring the projects.
Data Last Updated On: 09/22/2021
Section E: Investment Spending

Table 1: Distribution by Spending Type

Spending Type PY 2023 CY 2024 BY 2025
DME Costs 19.541 27.485 16.034
O&M Costs 17.115 16.412 17.739
Total 36.656 43.897 33.773

Table 2: Distribution by Cost Pools

Cost Pools PY 2023 CY 2024 BY 2025
External Labor 22.696 24.621 19.942
Facilities & Power 0 0 0
Hardware 0.486 0.215 0.383
Internal Labor 1.762 1.854 1.891
Internal Services 0 0 0
Other 0 0 0
Outside Services 5.534 11.345 5.734
Software 6.178 5.862 5.823
Telecom 0 0 0
Total 36.656 43.897 33.773
Cost PoolsCost in millions (M)

Table 3: Distribution by IT Towers

IT Tower PY 2023 CY 2024 BY 2025
Application 30.193 33.175 27.843
Compute 3.815 2.885 3.533
Data 0 0 0
Data Center 0 0 0
Delivery 1.762 1.854 1.891
End User 0.016 0.017 0.021
IT Management 0.31 5.746 0.027
Network 0.064 0.002 0.011
Output 0 0 0
Platform 0 0 0
Security & Compliance 0.142 0.049 0.147
Storage 0.353 0.169 0.299
Total 36.655 43.897 33.772
IT TowersCost in millions (M)
Data Last Updated On: 07/17/2024
Section F: Project Detail

Table 1: Project Details

Project Name Project UID Status Planned Total Cost ($M) Cost Variance (%) Planned Start Date Planned End Date Schedule Variance (%) Schedule Variance (Days) TMF Initiative
ERA 2.0 1 In Progress 86.04 0 2013-09-12 2025-09-30 0 0 Not Applicable
EOP 45 System Support Services and Electronic PRA Transfer 21040 In Progress 2.25 0 2020-10-26 2021-10-26 -170 -170 Not Applicable
X-VA Scanned Records Intake and Processing (Shows on ITDB as completed) 21190P Completed 1.75 0 2021-09-09 2023-05-22 0 0 Not Applicable
X-CMRS Robotic Processing Automation (RPA) (Shows on ITDB as completed) 22020P Completed 0.57 18 2021-10-04 2022-09-01 -29 -29 High Value Asset (HVA) Mission Essential Systems
X-CMRS Digital Delivery Redesign (Shows on ITDB as completed) 22100P Completed 0.69 -2.8 2022-04-01 2022-12-17 0 0 Not Applicable
NextGen CMRS 21290P In Progress 5.33 0 2022-09-01 2023-09-29 0 0 High Value Asset (HVA) Mission Essential Systems
X-ERA Base Migration, Phase 2 - Business Objects -Phase 2-R (Shows on ITDB as Completed) 21511J Completed 2.82 -16 2021-09-30 2023-03-31 -11 -11 Not Applicable
X-ERA 2.0 DevOps Support (Shows on ITDB as completed) TBD Completed 1.08 0 2022-09-30 2023-09-29 0 0 Not Applicable
X-AAD Lift and Shift (Shows on ITDB as completed) 22110P Completed 0.08 0 2022-07-01 2023-03-17 -35 -35 Not Applicable
X-OGIS Ombuds Case Management Solution (Shows on ITDB as completed) 19080P Completed 0 0 2022-03-21 2023-06-15 0.67 0.67 Not Applicable

Table 2: Project Related Details

ERA 2.0
  1. Are information technology investments adequately implementing incremental development methodology? (Y/N)
  2. What is the frequency of incremental development iterations? (ex. 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 12 months or greater)
  3. Please describe the iterative development methodology being employed. (500 characters or less)
EOP 45 System Support Services and Electronic PRA Transfer
  1. Are information technology investments adequately implementing incremental development methodology? (Y/N)
  2. What is the frequency of incremental development iterations? (ex. 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 12 months or greater)
  3. Please describe the iterative development methodology being employed. (500 characters or less)
X-VA Scanned Records Intake and Processing (Shows on ITDB as completed)
  1. Are information technology investments adequately implementing incremental development methodology? (Y/N)
  2. What is the frequency of incremental development iterations? (ex. 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 12 months or greater)
  3. Please describe the iterative development methodology being employed. (500 characters or less)
X-CMRS Robotic Processing Automation (RPA) (Shows on ITDB as completed)
  1. Are information technology investments adequately implementing incremental development methodology? (Y/N)
  2. What is the frequency of incremental development iterations? (ex. 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 12 months or greater)
  3. Please describe the iterative development methodology being employed. (500 characters or less)
X-CMRS Digital Delivery Redesign (Shows on ITDB as completed)
  1. Are information technology investments adequately implementing incremental development methodology? (Y/N)
  2. What is the frequency of incremental development iterations? (ex. 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 12 months or greater)
  3. Please describe the iterative development methodology being employed. (500 characters or less)
NextGen CMRS
  1. Are information technology investments adequately implementing incremental development methodology? (Y/N)
  2. What is the frequency of incremental development iterations? (ex. 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 12 months or greater)
  3. Please describe the iterative development methodology being employed. (500 characters or less)
X-ERA Base Migration, Phase 2 - Business Objects -Phase 2-R (Shows on ITDB as Completed)
  1. Are information technology investments adequately implementing incremental development methodology? (Y/N)
  2. What is the frequency of incremental development iterations? (ex. 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 12 months or greater)
  3. Please describe the iterative development methodology being employed. (500 characters or less)
X-ERA 2.0 DevOps Support (Shows on ITDB as completed)
  1. Are information technology investments adequately implementing incremental development methodology? (Y/N)
  2. What is the frequency of incremental development iterations? (ex. 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 12 months or greater)
  3. Please describe the iterative development methodology being employed. (500 characters or less)
X-AAD Lift and Shift (Shows on ITDB as completed)
  1. Are information technology investments adequately implementing incremental development methodology? (Y/N)
  2. What is the frequency of incremental development iterations? (ex. 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 12 months or greater)
  3. Please describe the iterative development methodology being employed. (500 characters or less)
X-OGIS Ombuds Case Management Solution (Shows on ITDB as completed)
  1. Are information technology investments adequately implementing incremental development methodology? (Y/N)
  2. What is the frequency of incremental development iterations? (ex. 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 12 months or greater)
  3. Please describe the iterative development methodology being employed. (500 characters or less)
Section G: Performance Metrics
Metric Description Performance Measurement Category Unit of Measure Reporting Frequency Agency Baseline Capability Measurement Condition Target 2024 CY Latest Actual Result Date of Latest Actual Result Met Target
This target metric is a measure of how well we are meeting our customer service standards. Strategic and Business Results % Written requests answered within 10 working days Annual 0 Over target
Percentage of federal agency reference requests to records centers that are ready within the promised time. Customer Satisfaction % Monthly 50.88 Over target 50.88 2022-10-27 18:42:58 NOT MET
Percentage of FOIA requests answered within 20 working days Strategic and Business Results % Monthly 0 Over target
Percent of requests for military service separation records at NPRC that are answered within 10 working days Customer Satisfaction % Monthly 0 Over target
First Call Resolution Of Issues. Customer Satisfaction % Monthly 74 Over target 60 98 2024-07-17 12:08:44 MET
Helpdesk Average Speed Of Answer of Phone Calls. Customer Satisfaction Seconds Monthly 26 Under target 30 18.6 2024-07-17 12:08:43 MET
Uptime of ERA EOP. Strategic and Business Results % Monthly 95 Over target 95 100 2024-07-17 12:08:46 MET
Percentage of overall time that the ERA 2.0 system is up and operational Customer Satisfaction % Monthly 95 Over target 95 100 2024-07-17 12:08:47 MET
Annual target for total cumulative volume of data managed in ERA 2.0 Strategic and Business Results Terabytes Semi-Annual 102.8 Over target 225 107.4 2024-07-09 16:21:07 NOT MET